Sunday, January 2, 2011

The [Love] Game

So I have to be honest first...I am not a big fan of the show "The Game" however, I did notice something that may have meaning in my life.

The character Melanie and Derwin broke up because he cheated on her and he saw her working at a diner and started to feel sorry for her I guess. He was with another girl at the time so talk about an awkward say the least.

So she later found out that the woman he was with was only trying to be with him to trap him in to having a baby via turkey baster and Melanie tried to warn him. I don't get the science of the turkey baster but whatever.

Later he comes by the diner to thank her for the warning and even offers her a $100 tip. I guess some can say it was for pity but I took it as he was reaching out to her. From what I was told they get married...happy ending I suppose.

However, my point is that I know many people go through some trials in their relationships and sometimes those $100 tips are a little bit more.

I believe we all have breaking points and sometimes it is best to leave and sometimes the love is so strong that no matter how hard you try to run away, you end up with the same person. In their situation, I suppose it was meant to be.

Humans are just that - human. We make mistakes. As long as we learn and do not repeat them. However, respect yourself and your limits. If you can forgive and let go of mistakes then enjoy your $100 tips. Only you know what that $100 tip means, it could be love, pity, desperation, honest apology, or whatever.

Learn then grow.
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