Saturday, January 7, 2012

I'm Such A Tool

What is our life’s purpose?  We work, go to school, have families but is there more?

I watched the movie “Hugo” and there was a part where this girl questioned why she was on Earth and if she has a purpose.  She was comparing herself to a boy who spent all his life as a clock maker and had an amazing skill for fixing what many people thought were unfixable. 

The boy, Hugo, explained to her that he looks at the world as a big machine and all machines come with the exact parts they need and all those parts have a purpose.  If this world is a machine and the people are its parts then I suppose we all have a purpose.  If this is the case then what do we do best?  Have we figured out what our purpose is already?

Could it be possible that we are the tools to the parts that help make the world function?  When I look at the purpose of a hammer or screwdriver, I see two functions to them.  A hammer can put things together and take them apart.  The screwdriver can do the same, so it is possible to have multiple purposes?  Are we here to bring people together or tear them apart? Or both?

Sometimes there are extra parts that come with the machine and, at the time, you do not see a use for them so they are tossed in that one messy drawer we all have.  Just like that extra part, have you ever been tossed away?  Just like any tossed part, they are saved in your messy drawer and when you need it, you do not need to buy another part, repair an old rusty part but find the one that was on reserve.  Has a friend forgotten about you until a crucial moment and they reached out to you and realized what your purpose is to them?

So back to the original question - what is our purpose?

Are we the parts that have a function to make things go?  Do we have multiple purposes for various occasions?  Or are we on reserve for something better?

Whatever the reason on why we are here, we all have a purpose to making this world go ‘round.  Never dwell on it just keep living and you will figure it out, if you have not done so already.

*all photos will be produced and edited by me from now on - I hope you like my new hobby!

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