Saturday, September 10, 2011


Sometimes no matter how hard I try to run away from a situation or sweep it under the rug, it seems to always follow me whenever I look back.  I cannot say that I am perfect and I know that I may not be the nicest person all the time but do I or anyone deserve to be treated like dirt?

Sometimes I look back at the things that have happened to me and think - did I deserve that?  Whether it was good or bad, did I deserve what was being given to me?  Looking back I am wondering if I hurt anyone along the way.  Is karma trying to teach me a lesson or is it the same lesson and I refuse to listen?

So far this year has been about reflection and trying to figure out what I need and what my purpose is and I concluded that karma isn’t knocking on my door this time; I have just been faced with a decision to either voice what I want or continue to be stepped on and be used by others.  Everyone at some point gets used, stepped on, lied to, cheated on, hurt, and betrayed by someone in their life but do these things happen because we are doing something wrong or have we done wrong to others?  

At this point, whatever I did or whatever you did I could care less about.  All I want to do is be happy and if there are consequences along my path to happiness then so be it, it won’t be the first or the last time that I have been thrown to the wolves, stepped on, or hurt by another person.  I do believe in karma but this time it is not for me so expect someone at your door not mine.

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