Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day

So what's a dad's role? Does he really have it easy? Well to some his role is to punish, work and fix things around the house. I guess that is true for some people but for me, my dad is more active than that.

I know some people do not have their dad around but I am glad that he has been there for me and never left my side. I do not understand why so many men leave their families. Whatever the excuse is, I do feel bad for those who are missing that extra person in their life.

I do think a real man will be there for their family and I hope all four of my brothers will take his lead.

I love you dad!

posted from Bloggeroid

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Love is Pain...Why?

I was watching the movie "he's just not that in to you" the other day and in the beginning it talked about how confusing it is to fall in love. A boy hits you and those are "love taps", yea that's totally confusing. If a person lies it means they care about your feelings. This is insane!

Why can't a person be honest to show they care? I heard somewhere that love is pain and why does it have to be painful? Why can't love be this magical experience where both people are happy at all times? I guess it takes a lot of work to please someone while maintaining your own sanity.

People work hard to keep their relationships and sometimes they succeed and sometimes they fail. Love can hurt because no one wants to fail so we push ourselves to our limits and no one wants to be disappointed if their hard work doesn't pay off.

Can it be simple, easy, and painless? Maybe. While you may have given up on love or you may be a hopeless romantic like me, either way I have learned that love is tough and confusing and I suppose we all just gotta keep working at it.

I wish it was easier but if its worth it then work for it.

posted from Bloggeroid

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Work In Progress

I always told myself that I will not make promises that I cannot keep.  I think the bigger promises are the ones to God and if I say "I will never do XYZ again if I get this" and I know that I will never change then to me it is wrong for me to make those types of promises.

Sometimes I feel as though I am not living up to my religious expectations so should start to make my improvements?  But what if I am not ready to make that promise, am I wrong for that?

Being human almost makes us hypocrites because we say a lot of things but sometimes do the opposite.  I tell my brothers to go to church but there are times where I do not go for awhile and I do not honor the sabbath day like I should.  I get lazy, there are times where I over-eat, sometimes I do not listen to my parents, my pride might get in the way, I drink alcohol and the list goes on and on...

I know I have plenty to work on but it is for me to work on.  I am not saying I am being pressured by people but if you are ever around me or any other person just accept them and understand that we all need some work done and to sum it all up, a great man known as Dr. Seuss said it best,  "Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."

So hopefully you all can excuse my mistakes or hypocrisies or you can judge me, which ever you want to do I do not mind.