Pack your bags and don’t look back. Find whatever it is to keep you on track. The roads are lonely and the destination is unknown but where you were appeared to be worse. Leave, go, hide, just run away.
Run away from all problems and distractions because it has to be easier somewhere else – right? What I need to face is unfair, wrong and hurtful so I need to find shelter – a safe haven that will protect me.
I have what I need in my baggage. I have two pairs of pride, a large coward, a package of avoidance and my daily vitamins called “Fantasy” that I take when reality sets in. I am all set for the journey ahead of me, this journey of unknown make-believe.
As I look yonder and see the horizon, I see endless possibilities for me! I see the possibilities of making things worse for myself.
My path is long and exhausting. This path is lonely but somehow I still see this as a better situation. I still see that running away from all my problems will solve them.
But then I look back, I see something else - I see hope.
What if I faced my fears, would I still be afraid? Would I be able to get past it? Would I be able to get stronger from this?
I would never know if I continue to run away.